Monday, April 5, 2010

Final Demo

Very early in the morning, I feel happy and
a little bit tensed because of the final demo
teaching of the graduating students.
We are grouped into three with the different
We are assigned observing with prof. Amor F. Loniza.
I really didn't expect that each of us will give
comments based on what we have observe, at
first i was scared because i think it would be
offending to the part of the graduating students
if we will give or mention some errors they
encountered but i realized that it would be better
because it is for their own good.
And to my expectation there is no one who got
bellow 90 of grades.

Money in TRASH

During my second observation, i was amazed when i saw a student walking around holding a big sack. I ask him, "hey what's that?" he answered,"ma'am it is a sack where we put papers we don't need anymore", and then he continue roaming around. A few hour's later, there comes a boy who buy trash like bottles, papers and plastics. I saw the student's rise with joyous smile. They earned 10 pesos because of the trash. By the simple deeds, they teach me to be able to make ways how to be happy and contented.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Local Demo

My first observation was very interesting.
The room was full of colors, different kinds
of pictures and students with different
attitude but all containing a wide smile
for everyone including me.
Even though I'm just an observer, I can
feel and see the tension around, there are many
teachers around and and I'm assigned in the classroom
were the local demo of Mr. Jason Baretto was being
held. And to my surprise, i was very lucky to be able
to watch it.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

MusiC pOEm

A soft sweet, sound from deep within our souls,

Expressed in a most different way.

An indescribable sound descending from our hearts,

Seems it has something to say.

An unpredictable sound conveying love and peace,

Revealed from deep inside,

A wave of emotion expressed through song

So free it seems it has nothing to hide.

An unwinding of feelings, felt deep in the heart,

Always present in every way.

A sound that is sacred and precious,

That can never be taken away.